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NSDC Grant Update: September 20, 2024

This is your weekly grant opportunities update from TFG. If you have any questions or would like more information about any of these grants, please contact your TFG client manager.

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New Grant Opportunities

Department of Energy

FY 2024 SuperTruck Charge Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program will enable the design, development, and demonstration of innovative electric vehicle charging infrastructure near key ports, distribution hubs, and major corridors to support medium- and heavy duty (MHD) electric vehicles and enhance grid resiliency and reliability. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Domestic local governments, state governments, institutions of higher education, nonprofits, for-profit entities, and Indian Tribes


WHEN'S IT DUE? October 8, 2024 (Concept Paper), November 20, 2024 (Full Application)

Department of Energy

FY 2024 Industrial Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and Decarbonization (ISEED) Workforce Development Collaborative

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The program will support workforce development programs that strengthen the ability of the workforce to decarbonize the U.S. industrial sector, while prioritizing American workers and preparing them for good-paying, middle-class jobs. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Existing organizations with established experience, networks, and/or industry reach that can be leveraged to provide training and education including but not limited to manufacturing education and training organizations; trade, industry, and labor associations and groups; organizations working to expand job and training access to diverse populations; professional societies/associations; community development organizations; and Tribal Universities


WHEN'S IT DUE? November 1, 2024

Department of the Interior

FY 2025 Small Surface Water and Groundwater Storage Projects (Small Storage Program)

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to invite sponsors of small surface water and groundwater storage projects to request cost-shared funding for the planning, design, and/or construction of those projects. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State governments, county governments, city or township governments, special district governments, independent school districts, institutions of higher education, Native American Tribal governments and organizations, public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities, nonprofits, Individuals, for-profit organizations and small businesses. Joint powers authorities organized pursuant to state law are also eligible.


WHEN'S IT DUE? Period 1: December 12, 2024. Period 2: July 15, 2025

Department of Transportation

FY 2023-2026 Bridge Investment Program Bridge Project Grants

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to replace, rehabilitate, preserve or protect one or more bridges on the National Bridge Inventory. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States or groups of states; metropolitan planning organizations serving urbanized areas (Bureau of the Census designated) with a population over 200,000; local governments or groups of local governments; political subdivisions of states; special purpose districts or public authorities with transportation functions; federal land management agencies; tribal governments or consortium of tribal governments; and multistate or multijurisdictional groups of entities as described above


WHEN'S IT DUE? March 19, 2024 (FY 2023/2024), November 1,

2024 (FY 2025), and November 1, 2025 (FY 2026)

Department of Transportation

FY 2023-2026 Bridge Investment Program Planning Grants

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to replace, rehabilitate, preserve or protect one or more bridges on the National Bridge Inventory. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States or groups of states; metropolitan planning organizations serving urbanized areas (Bureau of the Census designated) with a population over 200,000; local governments or groups of local governments; political subdivisions of states; special purpose districts or public authorities with transportation functions; federal land management agencies; tribal governments or consortium of tribal governments; and multistate or multijurisdictional groups of entities as described above


WHEN'S IT DUE? February 19, 2024 (FY 2023/2024), October 1, 2024 (FY 2025) October 1, 2025 (FY 2026)

Department of Transportation

FY 2023-2026 Bridge Investment Program Large Bridge Projects

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program component is to provide funding for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection projects with total eligible costs greater than $100 million. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States or groups of states; metropolitan planningorganizations serving urbanized areas (Bureau of the Census designated) with a population over 200,000; local governments or groups of local governments; political subdivisions of states; special purpose districts or public authorities with transportation functions; federal land management agencies; tribal governments or consortium of tribal governments; and multistate or multijurisdictional groups of entities as described above


WHEN'S IT DUE? Rolling (November 27, 2023; August 1, 2024;

August 1, 2025)

Environmental Protection Agency

FY 2024 Consumer Recycling Education and Outreach (REO) Grant Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to reduce greenhouse gases by funding projects that decrease wasted food from households; expand markets for and sales of compost; and inform the public about new or existing residential food waste composting programs. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Coalitions lead by a U.S. State, including the District of Columbia; Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any agency or instrumentality thereof; a unit of local government; an Indian Tribe; a Native Hawaiian organization; the Department of Hawaiian Homelands; the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; a nonprofit organization; or a public-private partnership


WHEN'S IT DUE? December 20, 2024

Environmental Protection Agency

FY 2025 Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) Grant Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to assist local waste management authorities by supporting improvements to local post consumer materials management, including municipal recycling programs, and assisting local waste management authorities in making improvements to local waste management systems. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Counties, cities, towns, parishes, and similar units of governments that have executive and legislative functions to be political subdivisions of states


WHEN'S IT DUE? November 15, 2024 (Optional Notice of Intent), December 20, 2024 (Full Application)

Environmental Protection Agency

FY 2025 Brownfields Assessment Grants (Assessment Coalition Grants)

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to provide funding for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, conducting planning, conducting site assessments, developing site specific cleanup plans, and developing reuse plans related to brownfield sites. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Eligible lead applicants are state and county governments, federally recognized Indian tribes other than in Alaska, Alaska Native Regional Corporations, Alaska Native Village Corporations, Metlakatla Indian Community, regional planning commissions, and councils of governments. Additionally, land clearance authorities, redevelopment agencies, and community-based nonprofit organizations are eligible as non-lead applicants


WHEN'S IT DUE? November 14, 2024

Latest Grant News

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INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $300 Million in Grants to Modernize America’s Ferry Systems


HUD Announces $87 Million to Address Health Hazards in Public Housing


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