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About The Coalition

What is the National Special Districts Coalition and why should you join us?

NSDC is a unique collaboration as the only organization advocating for all special districts at a national level.

Currently with seven State Associations, our Coalition represents over 8000 Special Districts across the Country to advocate at the Federal level, provide critical grant and financial resouces, share resources and best practices, and openly network to identify solutions to common problems for special districts across state lines.   NSDC fosters strong national collaboration to strengthen and advance essential community service, enhancing American communities’ quality of life. We also sponsor the national "Districts Make the Difference" campaign to promote nationwide awareness and understanding of special district services.

You can join this unique collaboration to unite with special districts and stakeholders as one voice.    NSDC consists of associations, organizations, and businesses, each representing and supporting special districts nationwide.

State Association Regular Membership & Coalition Development 

Our Regular Members represent special districts that provide all types of services to their communities in their states. NSDC’s membership is regionally diverse, with regular state membership in California, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, and Wyoming.

The Coalition is governed by its Regular Executive Members, who have been NSDC Regular Members for over two years. Regular Members are eligible for representation on NSDC's Legislative Committee, direct representation on Coalition policy and issue working groups, and hold voting power on Coalition matters.

As of January 2024, special districts have organized associations representing all types of special districts, similar to state associations for cities and counties, in only eight states - including all NSDC Regular Member states and Pennsylvania. Special districts in these states have access to robust resources for accountable and transparent governance, compliance with state laws, and professional development. The organizations also pose a powerful advocacy force in their state capitols with broad, diverse grassroots capacities on state and federal issues impacting special districts' ability to provide quality services in their communities. However, 40 additional states have more than one type of special district that exists to provide various services in their states without organized representation and fewer, if any, resources to meet their unique special district needs.

NSDC supports state special district coalition development where special district stakeholders have demonstrated strong interest in forging a state coalition of their own. In 2023, NSDC formally assisted stakeholders in Arizona, Texas and four NSDC Associate Members in Washington to coordinate discussion and early action to formally develop state special district coalitions with various goals and objectives. NSDC's long-term coalition development goal is to organize district coalitions/organizations in every state.

Associate & Affiliate Membership 

The Coalition's Associate Members represent special districts providing a specific type or types of services in communities locally, regionally, or state-by-state. Associate Members must have special districts in their membership. Associate Members are welcome to attend and engage during NSDC's monthly legislative committee meetings, join policy advisory groups, and enjoy NSDC benefits.

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